I thought I would post a little round up of Easter treats in case you are in need of some last minute inspiration, and you know if I’ve done it, it’s pretty quick and easy!
Month: March 2013
Homemade Peanut Butter Eggs
Homemade Peanut Butter Eggs
- Add all ingredients into a bowl and mix, mix, mix. It’s thick and difficult to incorporate, but keep at it and it will come together. Or, use a mixer/food processor. I didn’t try this, since I was working with a fairly small quantity. However, it only makes a few, so feel free to double the recipe. I wish I had!
- After mixing the ingredients together, form into ‘egg’ shapes, place on wax paper, and place in freezer to get nice and firm. I didn’t time this, but maybe 20-30 minutes? While the eggs are in the freezer, melt your chocolate (and oil/butter if needed) in a microwave safe bowl. (Place in microwave for 1 minute, stir well, continue heating in 30 second intervals until completely melted)
- When chocolate is melted, remove peanut butter eggs from freezer. Dip peanut butter into chocolate, one at a time, to coat. When peanut butter is completely covered in chocolate, place on wax paper to cool and harden. If the peanut butter starts to soften too much, put back in freezer.
Sara Lee Heart Healthy Recipes for National Nutrition Month {GIVEAWAY}
Did you know that March is ? Good health is so closely tied in to good nutrition, and I don’t know about y’all, but I need to refocus. I need to reevaluate my family’s diet, and get back to the basics of fresh, wholesome meals and snacks. I’m working on fitting more ‘super foods’ into our diet, as well as increasing our fiber. I also need to really watch my sodium and focus more on a heart-healthy diet. As I’ve mentioned before, heart disease is very prevalent on my mom’s side of the family. My mother was hospitalized a few months back due to dangerously high blood pressure, which caused symptoms of a heart attack, including arm pain and numbness, nausea, headache, etc. It was extremely scary, since my mom lost her father when he was in his early 60’s from a massive heart attack.
Obviously, I can’t control genetics, but I can control other risk factors like diet, stress and exercise. is here to help with the diet part! Also, having some of these quick and easy, yet delicious nutrition-minded recipes at your fingertips will also help decrease stress levels when it comes to meal planning 🙂
It’s no secret that I love a good deli sandwich, so I was immediately drooling over this Spicy Turkey Wrap.
Recipes, photos and coupons were provided by Sara Lee, no other compensation was received. All opinions expressed are my own.
Google Reader no more….
So…I’m tryin’ to get on board with the whole ‘no more Google reader’ thing and figure out what to do next. I’m following some other bloggers and checking out Bloglovin’, but first, I have to claim my blog! There are some great tips for bloglovin’ .
Stay tuned…I have a giveaway coming up soon!
Chicken and Dumpling Casserole
3-4 cups of cooked chicken (I used a rotisserie chicken)
2 cups chicken broth
1/4 cup unsalted browned butter
1 cup flour
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup skim milk
1 can Campbell’s Cream of Chicken soup (I’ve also made with Cream of Mushroom)
*I use this homemade Cream of Chicken recipe
- Preheat oven to 400.
- Place butter in a 9×13 pan and put in oven while it is preheating, to melt and brown. Once butter is melted, watch for it to start turning brown. You will also probably start to smell it. It would be good to stir it a couple of times while it is browning, but I didn’t (b/c I forgot all about the butter being in the oven until I started smelling it!) You can also brown the butter on the stove, which will give you more control over even browning, and prevent burning. Once the butter has browned, remove from oven – be careful, it will spatter! You will see some little brown bits from the browned butter, this is okay.
- Shred the chicken and spread it on top of the butter.
- Whisk together the milk, flour, baking powder and salt. Pour over the chicken, but do not stir.
- Whisk together chicken broth and cream of mushroom (or chicken) soup.
- Pour over the top of casserole, again, do not stir.
Bake uncovered for 35 to 45 minutes. It will start to brown in spots, and look thick and bubbly.
This is definitely going to make a regular appearance on our dinner table. As a matter of fact, I think I am going to make it again this week since I have some leftover crockpot beer chicken from last week. (update – I did, and it was delicious! The more flavorful your chicken, the better this dish is!)
Speaking of this week’s menu….we have 3 nights of volleyball games, un-solidified birthday plans (Number One is turning 12!) and now my little one has a terrible cold…so it will be interesting…and probably not in a good way. Wish me luck! You can check out the menu here.
I am linking this recipe up at (Monday) , , , ,, , , , , , , , (Tuesday) , , , , , , ,, , (Wednesday) , , , , , , , , (Thursday) , , , , , (Friday) , , , , , ,, , , , ,, (Saturday) , , , , (Sunday)
**I have had some people inquire about my casserole dish…it came from 🙂
Menu Plan #4
With a sick child, 3 nights of volleyball games, and a birthday this week, dinner is going to be….uhm, challenging! I’ve opted for more simple dishes…
Monday –
Speedy Sausage Muffins (made with Bisquick!), fruit, carrots. Leftovers for the hubs.
Tuesday –
for husband, kids
for me!
Wednesday –
Chicken and Dumpling Casserole (recipe this week!)
Hamburgers (for the kids, they won’t eat the casserole)
corn on the cob
Thursday –
(from last week, I never made it b/c it has a long cook time)
Leftovers or Rotisserie chicken (store bought)
green beans
Friday –
Number One’s choice – it’s her birthday!
Saturday –
Pizza (from Sam’s Club, if we don’t have it Friday)
Sunday –
Mom and Dad’s house 🙂
I’m linking up my menu plan over at .
Ritzy White Trash & Green Beer
If you feel like having a little fun with your food this weekend, here are a few easy things…
. What I didn’t use in the recipe, the kids devoured immediately b/c I don’t buy them very often! I made this White Trash a little ‘ritzy’ (hardy har har) by using Ritz crackers in the place of the pretzels I normally use. Ritz crackers go amazingly well with chocolate. Basically, you need 12 cups of whatever cereals/snacks you have in your pantry…8 cups of some form/combo of cereals and 4 cups of something salty – popcorn, pretzels, crackers – it’s all good. Then a package of white almond bark or 20-24 oz of white chocolate chips. You can then add whatever mix-ins you like, we always use some kind of M&M;’s. So go ahead, get trashy 🙂
And as long as you are trashin’ things up, gotta have some green beer (or any light colored beverage would work – I might make some green ginger ale or Sprite for the kiddos)
Magically Delicious Cereal Treats
I know, I know…it’s been done before, but how cute are these?!

No Bake S’more Pudding Pie and PI Day!
Pi Day is an annual celebration commemorating the . Pi Day is observed on March 14 (or 3/14 in month/day ), since 3, 1 and 4 are the three most of π in the decimal form. In 2009, the supported the designation of Pi Day.
Well, if there is random holiday out there I can get behind, I guess Pi day would be it! I mean seriously, a day all about pie? I knew math would be useful for something. (Math is actually quite useful in cooking…my girls were amazed when I was re-calculating the measurements on a recipe the other day. I said “see, that’s why you need to study your math!” So you can change recipe quantities…we all need a goal people.)
Easy No Bake S’more Pudding Pie
1 box sugar free/fat free chocolate pudding (large box)
2 cups skim milk
1 container Cool Whip (Regular, Free, Lite, Sugar Free – any will work)
graham cracker crust
1/2 cup chocolate chips
handful marshmallows*
Melt 1/2 cup chocolate chips in microwave (reserving a few for decoration if desired). Pour melted chocolate into bottom of graham cracker crust. *At this point, you could add some marshmallows on top of the chocolate. (I didn’t, but I think I will next time. If you do this, then you will need more than a handful of marshmallows.) Stick crust in fridge for chocolate to harden.
Empty box of pudding mix in a medium size bowl. Whisk in 2 cups cold milk. Stir until it starts to thicken. Fold in container of Cool Whip. Mix until incorporated. Pour pudding mixture into pie crust, on top of harden chocolate (and marshmallows if using).
Add marshmallows and chocolate chips to top if desired. Place in freezer, but give it time to thaw a little before cutting.
This makes a quick and easy dessert that is low in sugar and fat depending on the ingredients used.
For other Pi(e) Day recipe ideas, check out –
Cherry-Blueberry Pie
Dark Chocolate Chess Pie
Deep Dish Cookie Pie (with a surprise ingredient!)
Come join the Pi/Pie party!