2015 – a look back


Wow. Just wow. Where did the year go?! It flew by so fast, and I have to say, I’m kinda glad to have it behind me. I’m grateful to have made it through another year, but it has been a sad one. Cancer reared it’s ugly head on more than one occasion and we lost two members of our family, on my husband’s side. One of my dear friends also lost her mother, while another lost her mother-in-law. To say that I hate cancer is pretty much the understatement of the year. I have to remember our blessings however, as my dad saw his 5 year anniversary of being cancer free this year!

Key Lime Pie

I also had lots of “technical issues” this year…my computer gave me lots of problems and then finally quit all together. It really hindered my blogging, but now….Hello MacBook! I love you, but do not really know how to use you to your fullest potential yet.


My son had a horrible time with his asthma once allergy season started. He missed lots of school and that also put a stop to my blogging time. Thankfully, after many, many doctor visits, it seems to be back under control. Thank goodness for insurance. As aggravating as it is, it’s nice to have when you are making weekly (if not more) trips to the doctor.

breathing treatment

On the upside (I hope), Makin’ it Mo’Betta became a “dot com”. The move was a great big B word. Thankfully I got help from and they were able to get me up and running. I’m still trying to work out the kinks, but if you’re here, then YAY! Thanks for following my sporadic posting and meanderings!


Throughout all my inconsistent posting however, I just found out that I am in the Top 100 Bloggers on FaveHealthyRecipes.com and AllFreeCasseroleRecipes.com! I’m honored! Check out the and the , and you will see that I am pleased to be in such good company & honored to have made the lists.

AFCAS Blogger Button 2015-14 FHR Blogger Button 2015-16

So, I hope you and yours had a very Merry Christmas and that 2016 brings good health and happiness to all. I have made just a couple of resolutions…one, to be a more consistent blogger! And two, to purge my house of clutter. We have too.much.stuff.  Of course, there is always that “I want to lose 10 lbs” thing. Actually, it’s more like 15…but I’m not even going to make that a resolution. I’ve been dealing with that since I had my first child…Almost 15 years ago!


2 thoughts on “2015 – a look back

  1. Pat Schwab says:

    Hi, Happy New Year. So glad your son is feeling better. We got hit with 3 people who have been diagnosed with cancer right before Christmas. The site looks cool and yeah to you for being in the top 100. Pat S

    1. Kim says:

      Thanks Pat! So sorry to hear about those diagnosed with cancer. It is such a horrible disease! Thankfully there are more and more treatment options everyday, but everyday I pray for a cure.

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