Google Reader no more….

So…I’m tryin’ to get on board with the whole ‘no more Google reader’ thing and figure out what to do next.  I’m following some other bloggers and checking out Bloglovin’, but first, I have to claim my blog! There are some great tips for bloglovin’ .

Stay tuned…I have a giveaway coming up soon!

4 thoughts on “Google Reader no more….

  1. says:

    I just joined Bloglovin too – so far I'm hating it!

  2. says:

    I've heard it was wonky. I guess I'm going to check out a few options and see what I like best. I'm pretty clueless so far!

  3. says:

    Hi Kim,
    I love bloglovin' and I'm following you with it, I'm glad you signed up! I get a daily email with a snippet of all my favorite blogs, it's pretty nice!


  4. says:

    That wrap looks delicious!

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