Pfizer Pediatric Products Review & Giveaway

The Pfizer Pediatric Platform products, information, and additional gift pack have been provided by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. All thoughts and reviews are my own.

I’m baaa-ack! I wanted to make sure to share with everyone this review of Pfizer Pediatric products and offer a giveaway to get you and your family through allergy & cold/flu season.

Pfizer Products

Yes, it’s that lovely time of year when allergy season overlaps with cold & flu season, reeking havoc on homes and school absenteeism everywhere. Yes, I am speaking from experience.

Health report from Weather Channel_Fotor

My son has a lot of allergies, along with asthma, so I often check the pollen levels in my area. The above picture comes from my Weather Channel app, and it’s updated daily. As you can see, the other day pollen was very high, and also cold & flu is still widespread. My son’s pediatrician said that due to the crazy weather, mild winter, etc. that we have been experiencing in our area, they are seeing an overlap in allergy symptoms and cold/flu. Fun times, I tell ya. The increasing pollen caused my son to have a flare up of nasal allergies, which resulted in an ear infection, along with an asthma flare-up.

Pfizer at Target

Thankfully, I have a well stocked medicine cabinet to help when symptoms occur. ,(which is ibuprofen) is my go-to for fever & pain. I definitely like to keep it on hand for those middle of the night earaches (and my son also gets migraines, so I use it for that as well. I know…poor kid!) There’s also Infants’ Advil® White Grape,  that comes with a syringe for easy dosing for children 6-23 months. My oldest daughter just had to use the  this week for her cough & chest congestion. The daytime formula does not cause drowsiness, so she could take it before school, and even though she’s 15, let’s face it, children’s products taste better! (It’s for everyone age 6 and older) The above shown value pack comes with a daytime & nighttime formula. We haven’t had to use the yet, but I am definitely keeping it handy. When you have 3 kids, you never know what is going to pop up…and usually spread through the house!

So if (check out their page too) at your house, go to Target or for your pediatric products. 


On to the giveaway! Since I want you to be fully prepared for whatever comes your way this allergy/cold/flu season, Pfizer will send one Makin’ it Mo’Betta reader a prize pack with the above Pfizer Pediatric Products. All you need to do is complete one or more of the following from the Rafflecopter form (delivery to US residents only).

8 thoughts on “Pfizer Pediatric Products Review & Giveaway

  1. Mami2jcn says:

    We take vitamins and wash hands often.

  2. Jessica Beard says:

    Keep comfortable, drink lots of water, and get your rest.

  3. Jessica To says:

    With both colds and allergies, I try to make sure we drink lots of liquids. Lots of rest helps too!

  4. June Lisle says:

    Meds, humidifier, tea, tissue, and rest all helps with colds and allergies.

  5. Em Mahr says:

    Lots and lots of fluids and hand-washing. I also try hard to my my little’s hands out of their mouths!

  6. Elena says:

    we take vitamins and wash hands often

  7. Laurajj says:

    We always use the cart wipes at the stores on the way in and on the way out! As soon as we get home from being out and about, we always wash hands. Try to keep those colds away…but they do manage to sneak in!

  8. Cheryl B says:

    I wash my face after going outside. It helps to reduce pollen being rubbed into eyes and noses.

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