Cold and Flu Epidemic, too close for comfort! {#ReliefIsHere #sponsored}

This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/P&G.; All opinions expressed are my own.
By now, you have probably either had the flu, know someone who has had it, or worried that you and/or your loved ones are going to get the flu. Even if you were proactive and received the flu shot, the prevalent strain is one that isn’t covered by the vaccine (even though CDC still recommends getting the flu shot as it may provide some level of protection and make the flu less severe.) As I mentioned in an earlier post, my three kids, and then myself, were all sick the weeks leading up to Christmas.
And guess what? I was not prepared! No extra soft tissues for runny noses, no homemade chicken soup in the freezer, no Gatorade or ginger ale. But one thing I did have for myself and my oldest child, and always try to keep in my medicine cabinet, is NyQuil! I can always count on NyQuil to help me get some rest at night, regardless of how bad I feel. And now, NyQuil has stepped it up a notch and has come out with …(learn more on too)
Yes please. DayQuil Severe for daytime, NyQuil Severe for nights. (It comes in both liquid and caplets and the severe formula now has a decongestant!) My favorite cold medicine, made even better. #winning
I believe I will keep this handy since my state (NC) is in the red!
Has your house been invaded by viruses this cold and flu season? What are your best tips on keeping well or feeling better once sick? Not only has the flu been going around in my area, but there is also a virus that has “flu-like symptoms”, it just doesn’t last as long. Strep throat has been going around in a big way too. Oh yeah, and there is also a stomach virus floating around now. How do I know…we’ve had them ALL. So, you better believe while at , I stocked up on tissues, cold meds, vitamin C, throat drops, and whatever else I could think of. I am hoping all this preparedness will somehow prevent us from being hit again…keep your fingers crossed would ya?!

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